Organization in the FACS classroom

On a personal basis I am more of an “Organized Chaos” type of person - see my top desk drawer if you don’t believe me. BUT in my FACS kitchen organization is my middle name.

I have 7 kitchens and each are colored coordinated. This is great for assigning groups and keeping track of supplies for each kitchen. I label the kitchens and then use that color to label the cabinets in each kitchen. I even label the tables!

I also need to keep track of extra supplies. For this I use numbers for less confusion. - Numbers go on all my empty cabinets. The best part is - if a student is missing something OR my favorite - if an outsider needs to borrow something I direct them to my numbered cabinets! Its ideal for the usual “Can I borrow a can opener” or “Ms. Davis  we only have 3 forks” scenarios. I also like this for when I find things out of place - instead of checking 7 kitchens I place random things in the "extras" cabinets so when it does turn up missing in a kitchen I know where to go!

I was pretty excited about the success of my organization system so I added more labels for even the silliest questions such as - "where is the ice" I can direct them to a particular fridge or freezer.


  1. This is such a great idea!! I really like the "extras" cabinet!

    FCS and Then Some

  2. Is the measuring equipment, etc. at each station color-coded too? I have all stainless steel measuring items in my kitchens and I am looking for a way to color-code them (we do not have any money in the budget to but all new colorful equipment) - Any ideas? Thanks!

    Courtney "The New Girl in the FACS classroom"

    1. Nail polish works great. Any color you want is pretty much available!

    2. I painted the middle sections of all my labs between the cabinets and counter tops. I also paint the bottoms of dishes and lab equipment.


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