DIY Classroom Sticky Wall in 3 easy steps!

Its like post it notes, but better, and bigger!

Large sheet of nylon fabric
Repositionable Adhesive Spray
Scratch paper/notes cards/etc.
Push pins (other other hanging methods as desired)

1. Cut fabric to size desired - or you know whatever size they cut for you at the store, 3ft for example

*I found this at a thrift store, the entire roll cost less than a few yards at Joanns...unless you have a Joanns coupon of course! Yours does not have to be red- pick a color you love!

2. Spray one side of your fabric with the Repositionable Adhesive Spray
*spray also available at your favorite craft store; JoAnns, Michaels, Wallfart, Target, etc.
Hang on wall with pins, magnets, clips, or whatever you use to make things hang on on your space!
*I found push pins work really nice for fabric, or soft walls as the fabric is lightweight and easily portable for presentations, events, etc.

3. Stick paper to sticky wall
*humans do not stick

Bonus - if you wall gets a little un-sticky just respray it!

For east transport/storage -  just fold sticky sides together!

Classroom Ideas:
-Use for “out the door” what did you learn activities
-Use for getting kids out of their seat activities
-Use for games such as matching or keeping score
-Use for hanging posters/notices
-Any activity you have used post-it notes for!

Non Classroom Ideas:
-Use for event photo walls
-Use for audience participation in presentations
-Kids bedroom art/decor/fun

*Leave more ideas in the comments - sharing is caring!
