Help Reauthorize the Perkins Bill! Deadline 10-12-17

As you may know, the House passed a Perkins reauthorization bill in June (find the summary and analysis online here). We have been urging the Senate to take up reauthorization swiftly, but they have yet to do so! 

See below for how you can help push for reauthorization (deadline is Friday, 10/12):
  • Representatives Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) and Thompson (R-PA), the two main co-sponsors of the House Perkins reauthorization bill, are planning to send a bipartisan "Dear Colleague" letter to the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee leadership encouraging them to take up Perkins reauthorization.
  • Right now, they are asking for their colleagues in the House to join them in signing this letter. 
  • Here's where you come in - by reaching out to your Representatives to encourage them to contact the offices of Representatives Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) and Thompson (R-PA) to sign on to the letter encouraging Perkins reauthorization.
  • Here's how you can do that (deadline is October 12th): 
  1. Use ACTE's online Action Center to encourage your Representative to sign on to the letter. If you'd like to call your Representative's office, follow the steps below.
  2. Find out who your representative is:
  3. Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to his/her office.
  4. Ask if the Representative can sign on to a letter Representatives Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) and Thompson (R-PA) are sending to the Senate HELP Committee leadership encouraging that they take up Perkins CTE reauthorization.
  5. If he/she says yes, let them know that the next step is for them to contact either Brian Kaissi in Rep. Krishnamoorthi's office at or 202-225-3711, or Katie Brown in Rep. Thompson's office at or 202-225-5121 to sign on to the letter and that the deadline to do so is Friday, October 12th.
  6. If he/she has questions you don't know the answer to, don't be afraid to let them know that you will follow up with the information.
  7. If he/she says no, respectfully say thank you for their time.
Thank you! This is not just for us- but our kids too!
